January 28, 2018

Mount Moriah

Passage: Genesis 22:1-19
Service Type:

Bible Text: Genesis 22:1-19 | Preacher: Pastor Moe | Series: Journey of Stones

Week One:  “Calvary and Moriah”

Share your Calvary Experience.  Share your story of when and where you came to faith in Jesus Christ.
Read Galatians 2:20. How are we crucified with Christ?
If Calvary is where we experience salvation in Jesus—He is our Saviour, then Moriah is a place where we experience God’s sanctifying work in our lives.  Think of sanctification as a time of surrender which sees you desiring to be more like Jesus and also as a time when you show evidence that you are committed to making God your first love.  Share a time in your life where you have had to stop ‘clinging’ and ‘clutching’ to something and release it to God.
Read Romans 12:1-2. What does it mean to be a ‘living sacrifice’?
Read Psalm 22:1, Psalm 23 and Psalm 24.The Psalmist begins with words that we remember Jesus uttering from the cross in Matthew 27. As a Christian our first steps into new life in Jesus Christ begin as we experience the salvation that Jesus provided for us at Calvary. Psalm 23 is about the journey of life. What part of Psalm 23 do you relate to the most. Psalm 24 points us to an eternity in the presence of our God. What are your thoughts as you think about eternity? What is the hope that you have as you think of eternity?